Home Linear Regression

Linear Regression

Given a dataset D={(xi,yi)}i=1N, where xRd. we try to get a weight vector (w1,w2,,wd)T such that


Set w=(b,w1,,wd)T, x=(1,x1,,xd)T. Then the linear combination of w and x is a hypothesis recorded as h(x).

Based on least square method, we have squared error E(y^,y)=(y^y)2. And our goal is to minimize it. Next we do some calculations as follows:


where X=(x1T;x2T;;xNT), y=(y1,y2,,yN)T.

Then our goal is


The target function E(w) is continuous, differentiable and convex. So we have the neccessary condition of optimal w :


After derivation, we have


If matrix XTX is invertible, it’s easy to get the solution of (4.5):


Even if XTX is a singular matrix, No need to worry too much because most of programs computing inverse matrix can deal with it easily.

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